University of Virginia
CS Department at UVA
Swarm programming
Cell Simulator
Cell Simulator
Growing Cell Programs...
Section 1: Getting Started
Running a simple program
Section 2: Writing Cell Programs
Conditions and Transitions
Chemical Diffusion
Cell Induction
Cell Programming Language
Programming a sphere
Programming a cylinder [not yet available]
Creating structures [not yet available]
A programming exercise: The Mickey Program [not yet available]
Section 3: Cell Simulator Architecture
High Level [not yet available]
Parsing Cell Programs [not yet available]
System Model [not yet available]
Cell Model [not yet available]
Sim File Parsing [not yet available]
Section 4: Modelling Systems and Cells
[not yet available]
Section 5: Writing Applications
[not yet available]
University of Virginia
Department of Computer Science
Programming the Swarm
Sponsored by the
National Science Foundation
David Evans
Selvin George